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Rules for imagining a new spiritual reality

Using the concepts from the previous pages, it is now possible to imagine a different world.  But I must first establish a boundary to improve both of our abilities to converse and learn.  This boundary, I believe, is imperative for discussing spiritual ideas of any kind and thus I ask for, and try to give, this respect at all times.

Rules for Spiritual discussion:
dealing with competing belief systems

It is my belief that spiritual experiences are completely personal and thus no two people can have exactly the same experience nor can they have the same understanding of a similar experience.  They can try to describe their experiences to each other and they can decide that the experiences were the same, but because all perception is filtered through our personal sensesory organs and then our learned interpretations, there is no way to exactly verify similarities.  Language is currently the only tool we have to compare spiritual experience, and it has many drawbacks. This is dramatically different from scientific discovery where verification of experience with instrumentation is mandatory.  With spiritual experience, I believe, verification is impossible, and (if we were designed this way) it is for a very good reason.  (more discussion on science vs. spirituality)

This calls for a very different style of interaction during spiritual discussion.  During a discussion of scientific principles, conclusions apply to everyone and thus must be critiqued by many, but during a discussion of personal spiritual beliefs conclusions apply only to the individual stating their beliefs.  The next person, with different beliefs, will likely come to a different conclusion, which then applies only to their life.  Here, critique only affects the the individual stating their beliefs, not some large body of spiritual knowledge, and thus challengers need to understand and have respect for this.

It is still very useful to challenge each other's belief systems, but note that useful results occur only when one, the other, or both gain new insight into their own perception of spirituality.  Because truth here is individual, agreement is of no importance, and arguing is a fools errand. 

This brings us to group dynamics.  There is quite a bit of power in groups, which can be used either for good or bad, and unfortunately the shifting sands of unformed spiritual ideals are ripe for exploitation.  We must keep in mind that since our spiritual experiences cannot be verified by others, it is of fundamental importance that each of us decide our own spiritual truth regardless of what other's think, and regardless of the strength of their convictions.

No matter what anyone else says or threatens, we truly are each inescapably on our very own Spiritual path.

Foundation Concepts
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