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The local Table Of Contents

Foundation Concepts

1. Either there is no Creator - or - there is one Creator of our universe who is perfect, conscious, and has a perfect purpose for us.  Anything in between can be ignored.
(feeling) / (reasoning)

2. The potential for us to understand our universe is unbounded, and a perfect Creator would have absolute faith in us and respect for us.
(feeling) / (reasoning)

3. We would exhibit some characteristics of a perfect Creator, but a perfect Creator would not exhibit any characteristics of ours.
(feeling) / (reasoning)

4. A perfect Creator would ignore all distinctions among us.
(feeling) / (reasoning)

5. We would be attracted to the purpose of a perfect Creator.
(feeling) / (reasoning)

6. A perfect Creator would be able to communicate with any one of, and all of us, and we would be able to communicate with a perfect Creator, at any time and under any conditions (unless through free-will we choose, or allow ourselves to be convinced, to not communicate with The Creator - see concept #2).
(feeling) / (reasoning)

7. ALL paths would eventually lead to complete understanding of The Creator.
(feeling) / (reasoning)

Table Of Contents