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Feeling based Questions and Answers

Q1: Does God feel!?!?!

No. He has no skin.    :D

Ok, sorry.  No, not the way we do. Take a look at my feeling based
discussion for what God must be like (if there is a God).

Q2: I've looked through your entire site and I have not found the word HELL once!  Why don't you talk about hell and the devil?

I do not believe that hell was created by God.  There is simply no need for an eternal hell.  Think about it.  Eternal damnation means you aren't coming back to learn from your mistakes: no second chance.  So why bother keeping all the furnaces going?!  It just doesn't make good business sense, and I'm pretty sure a perfect Manager would downsize that operation pretty quickly.  Is it for eternal punishment?  Seriously?  That's really cruel.  Many humans could never stoop that low, so how could a highly evolved being?  Or could it really all be simply to scare the beegeezus out of us so we will all act properly?!  If so, why build it, why not just plant some rumors?

"Boy are you gonna get it when we get home" is one of the least effective child behavior modification technique I have ever seen.  When this line works as intended, the child basically lives in fear for the rest of the trip.  When the punishment is finally delivered, what child remembers the initial reason for the punishment?  It is simply way too late, children rarely learn from this, and it only serves to cultivate fear and teach children to be cruel to those they love - yup, you are being cruel to those you love.  Likewise, hell is a pretty ridiculous behavior modification motivator too.  "Boy are you gonna get it, yup, just wait until you die!"

I can't believe that a perfect God would rely on such a worthless mechanism to encourage us to fly straight.  But with total free will there is no reason why we can't build it ourselves.  Much more likely is that we create hell right here on earth.

And if hell is a human creation, the appropriate action is to simply ignore it, or refuse to acknowledge its power.