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What might be our purpose

Pulling it all together

So here we are, floating along in our bubble of space and time, working and thinking hard for various self-imagined reasons, and occasionally some of us stop and wonder if there is some ultimate purpose ... because if there is a God, we must have some purpose right?

But if there is a perfect God, there must also be a perfect reason for our existence ...  what could that reason be?

In space, the lines of distance paradoxically recede to infinity; but seriously, how can space be infinite?  And time, completely interwoven with the fabric of space, must it then not also be infinite?  Every where we turn we find these infinite opposites: up down, left right, big small, future past,  And along the infinite thread of time the universe (we are told) blinks into existence somewhere in the past, and then blinks out of existence somewhere in the future, possibly all for nothing, and apparently with no one the wiser!

Or maybe there is one who is wiser? 

Here on Earth, in all our cycles of creation and destruction, small or large, in a child's backyard or on farm land or desert turned into battlefield, there is one thing that seems to always result: wherever there is consciousness, the cycle of creation and destruction helps someone gain a bit of understanding. 

So if there is a perfect being, who exists at both ends of time and at the end of every opposing end-point in space, who is all-powerful and yet never acts, perhaps this consciousness both knows all and knows nothing!  Perhaps this perfect being, intimately and perfectly connected with us, is both perfectly independent and perfectly dependent on us?!  Is it possible that perhaps as each one of us goes through some special experience within our microcosm of space/time, while being perfectly connected to our Creator, the knowledge we gain is also knowledge gained, or remembered, by the One?

I can imagine in two ways right off that this might work.  One is that each soul brings a piece of understanding about the Great Puzzle to the giant puzzle board.  In the end all pieces will be present and all will be known.  Or two, maybe each time a soul returns to spend a life in space-time they can learn more or challenge their bits of knowledge through interacting with each other, and that by the end of all time all souls will have shared all knowledge.  Clearly other scenarios are also possible...

No matter what the combination mechanism the purpose for each of us in this universe might be to learn and grow...  And I don't mean necessarily "going to school"  because life offers us many many more avenues for education then our little man-made classrooms.

To learn, to understand, to see; our relationships with ourselves, with others, with our universe, and with our creator.  To become ever more than we are, and in some way pass on what we know, back to the One, or on to each other.

going further..
or going back (the table of contents)

(by the way, this may be a possible solution to the Epicurean paradox)