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Reasons why we might need a God

The following are offered as possible reasons why we might insist that a God exists and acts in a certain way.  My point in listing these is to help us realize that there must be much much more to a God that created all, then the relatively simple things from which these normal fears stem; and that we can benefit greatly by facing these fears, getting past them, and seeing if indeed there is a God much bigger and more profound than what we have so far believed.

Note that these are all ways in which we can get side tracked!  Each one is a trap that can make us belive in a lesser god that has created an imperfect world.  Waking up to see that these issues limit our growth can be very difficult, but doing so can be very valuable.

  1. a person might need to have a God to feel safe

    The idea that there is no one in "control" of the world might cause a feeling of fear that can only be satisfied if God will take care of us.

  2. a person might need to have a God to feel OK about death

    Loss of consciousness forever is a pretty scary thought.  Belief in an afterlife can console this fear, but finding the real source of the fear can bring us peace.

  3. a person might need to have a God to provide authority over everyone

    The idea that there are no rules or moral values might cause a feeling of fear of chaos that can only be satisfied by the existence of an all powerful authority.  This is often followed by a need for God to bring justice to those that break the laws, or in extreme cases, taking it upon ourselves to be so called agents of God.

  4. a person might need to have a God to be accepted by others

    In some situations a person must believe in a God in order to be accepted into a group.  In this case the group needs to be questioned as well as the fear.

  5. a person might need to have a God to explain events in their life

    Someone frequented by unexplainable phenomena might believe in a God that causes these things to happen.

  6. a person might need a God to love, or to love them

    A feeling of unappreciation or unworthiness could be solved by the presence of a God that always respects and loves us.  But if we are still dependent on love and appreciation from the outside, we may be using God as an external source, and we are still far less then who we could be.

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